Senin, Juni 11

“Sisi Intelijen dan Politik”

Doc Arsip Pribadi
Sewaktu buku ini dilouncing, I’m so very curious dengan buku ini, “INTELIJEN DAN PILKADA, PENDEKATAN STRATEGIS MENGHADAPI DINAMIKA PEMILU”. Saya kemudian terpaksa kontak beberapa orang kawan untuk bisa mendapati buku by Facebook Messenger and juga Whatsapp (WA). Kemudian saya akhirnya bisa dapati buku ini di Kota Denpasar - Bali dalam satu trip ke Daerah itu awal Juni 2018.

Buku setebal 225 halaman ini paling sederhana ditulis dalam gaya bahasa simpel sehingga memudahkan berbagai kalangan untuk memahaminya dengan baik. Disini terdapat kontribusi pemahaman mengenai bagaimana sebuah pencapaian kekuasaan itu diperoleh, dipertahankan dan bahkan diseting sedemikian rupa. Why ? karena faktanya “Politik dan Intelijen itu sesuatu yang tak dapat dipisahkan”, bedanya Politik diungkap penulis sebagai ilmu atau cara-cara untuk mendapati atau merebut kekuasaan sedangkan intelijen adalah kegiatan atau sebua proses yang dibangun dengan system tahapan “cycle of intellijence” untuk tujuan kekuasaan.

I remain the author, Ms Stepi Anriani miliki base data and her experience yang akurat sehingga bisa berpikir untuk menghadirkan buku ini bagi pecinta intelijen seperti saya, Huuu....uu.hh. Semoga tra berlebihan.  

tidak sekedar itu saja, penulis so pasti punya prediksi dari analisa intelijen hari ini untuk 5 tahun bahkan 20 tahun yang akan datang.

Let’s go,  for all of you kawan-kawan millenial saya yang baik entah sebagai aktifis, human rights defender, Lawyer, jurnalis dan akademisi, buku Intelijen ini tidak mengulas hal-hal berkaitan dengan isu-isu criminal, human rights, terrorism atau radikalisme, namun saya menyarankan kawan-kawan pantas miliki buku terbitas KOMPAS GRAMEDIA ini.

Whats-up..? Melalui buku ini kita diantar penulis untuk mengenal lebih dekat dunia Intelijen lebih dari sekedar dugaan kita selama ini. Sebelum adanya buku ini saya mengerti terminology Intelijen yang berasal dari bahasa inggris “intelligence”  yang berarti kecerdasan.

Skip - buku ini mengantar lebih dalam intelligence itu misalnya Intelijen sebagai Informasi [Hal 4], Intelijen sebagai pengetahuan [hal 10], Intelijen sebagai produk [hal 12], Intelijen sebagai kegiatan [hal14], disini ada banyak kegiatan seperti :
·         Penelitian
·         Kontra intelijen
·         Operasi intelijen.
·         Spionase
·         dan penyamaran

berikut Intelijen sebagai proses [hal 28], Intelijen sebagai organisasi [hal 29] kita dapat melihat perbandingan dinas intelijen di beberapa Negara, Intelijen sebagai profesi : agen atau analis serta tugas dan peran intelijen. Kesemuaan ini suatu rangkaian yang boleh dikata cerdas dan taktis, sehingga bila terjadi cara tak cerdas boleh kita mengatakannya bukan intelijen profesional.     

Penulis buku ini mengantar kita untuk belajar dari sejarah Intelijen (kisah) Ken Arok yang mengkudeta kekuasaan dari Tunggul Ametung di kerajaan Singosari tanpa membuat tangan Arok berdarah.

Ada juga kisah si agen wanita tahun 1876, Matahari, nama aslinya Margaretha Geertruidar berkat kemampuan menguasai 6 bahasa asing, ia bekerja sebagai double agent (agen ganda) pada masa itu untuk Jerman dan Prancis.

Serta belajar dari kisah Bapak Intelijen Indonesia, Ali Murtopo dan Beni Moerdani yang setia melayani kepentingan Soeharto pada masa jaya.   
Jika anda, aktifis yang ingin terjun ke dunia politik. Buku ini menyajikan beberapa data terkini yang tepat sangat penting untuk berpikir strategis dalam menghadapi pertarungan Pemilu/Pilkada tahun 2018 ini hingga 2019. It is exactly to menggunakan perspektif Intelijen mengatur peran dan tugas success team (tim sukses) agar memenangi Pemilu [Hal177]. Penulis buku juga mendesain strategi pemenangan Pemilu versi Penulis [hal 182]. Termasuk strategi perang di dunia maya.[187], anda perlu tahu, “Kampanye negative dan black campaign berbeda”, kampanye negative membuka aib atau kasus negative masa lalu lawan. Sedang black campaign menyebarkan aib yang tidak ada fakta. Dan mengenai Penggalangan : pendekatan intelijen mengenai bagaimana meyakinkan seseorang untuk menyukai dan mengikuti apa yang kita inginkan. Sebagai nasihat teknik penggalangan yang dilakukan secara keliru akan terkesan seabagai pencitraan.

Menghadapi lawan, belajar dari teori “art of war”  karya Sun Tzu, “pemimpin perang akan mencapai kemenangan dengan sangat efektif jika menggunakan  logistic dan tenaga seminimal mungkin”.  

Back to the context, mengapa buku ini teramat penting bagi kalangan non-politisi, karena judul dan konten buku ini “INTELIJEN DAN PILKADA” akan tetapi materi saya boleh menyebut layaknya mikroskop bagi siapapun untuk bisa melakukan strategi menghadapi hal diluar pemilu seperti halnya advokasi kepentingan masyarakat sipil. Disini yang dibutuhkan “intelligence”nya, dampaknya wawasan perencanaan, wawasan kerja hingga analisisnya cerdas dan meluas meluas tanpa batas.

So anyway..! Di-abad ini, capacity ini yang dituntut. Thank you.

Kampung Damai, Bali Awal Juni 2018.

Judul Buku :       Intelijen dan Pilkada, Pendekatan Strategis Menghadapi
Dinamika Pemilu
Penulis       :       Stepi Anriani
Penerbit     :       PT. Grahamedia Pustaka, Jakarta

Senin, Juni 4

"Extreme poverty in Asmat regenci has caused measles and mall nutrition"

Tempo Photo
A Written submission to the 38th Regular session of the UN Human Right Council by the Asian Legal Resource Center.

The Asian Legal Resource Center (ALRC) wishes to inform the UN Human Right Council (UNHCR) about the extre poverty and health crisis faced by Asmat regency in Papua, Indonesia. Approximately 70 Papuan childre died from measles and malnutrition in 2018. 

Extreme poverty and a lack of public infrastructure in the province, particularly in Asmat regency, has caused serious health problem and malnutrition, direly affecting childree. The Indonesian government has failed in protecting its citizen right to health and life.

Papua has now been a part of the Republic of Indonesia for 55 years (1963 - 2018), as confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 2504, 21 November 1969. Despite all this time, today Papua and west Papua province remain Indonesia's poorest provincies. According to the Central Statitics Agency  (BPS), as of 2016, papua and west Papua provinces had the highest number of poor people in Indonesia: Papua province with 28.4%  and west Papua province with  24.88%. then followed by East Nusa Tenggara province (NTT) 22.01%, Moluccas province with 19.26%, Gororntalo province 17.63%, Bengkulu province with 17.03% and Aceh province with 16.43%.

After President Joko Widodo's inaguration in October 2014, he declared that his government will focus on the development of public infrastructure such as roads, highway, railways. Although one of the priority infrastructure developments is in Papua and west Papua provinces, extreme poverty and isolated areas remain aserious problem, and has brought negative impact to indigenous Papuans who lives in the distric.

In Asmat regency, the measles and malnutrition epidemic has affected approxmately 11 districts: Swator, Aswi, Akat, Fayit, Pulau Tiga, Kolf Branza, Jetsy, Pantai Kasuari, Safan, Unirsarau, and Siret. Being the most remote areas of Asmat regency, victims in these districts faced serious difficulties in obtaining access to medical facilities, resulting in the death of 70 children.

In Agats, the capital regency of Asmat, the Agats General Hospital (RSUD) did not have enough facility or capacity to tackle all the patients infected of measles and malnutrition. In fact, the Agats hospital is a category D hospital, wich means it needs empowering. Morover, the lack of space in the hispital meant that many patients were treated in the nearest chuch buildings.

This epidemic clearly shows how Papua has been left behind in terms of eradiction of extreme poverty, development of health facilities and development of public infrastructure. In other provincies, such as Jakarta, Central and West Java or other islands such as Sumatera and Bali, there are numerous public and private hospitals of category B and A, easy to access. Papua mostly has public hospitals of type D, especially in remote areas. There is a category A hospital in Jayapura city, the capital of Papua, but it is quite far from Agats, and to reach Jayapura from Agats is difficult due to the lack of infrastructure.  

The epidemic also revealed how neither the central government of Indonesia in Jakarta, nor the local government in Papua province and Asmat regency, have been able to develop an early warning system to prevent measles and malnutrition. The government, in particular President Joko Widodo, must change the approach in dealing with the problem. While the President's presence in Asmat would have been good in empowering the local government to tackle the problem, his presence alone is not enough. It is also necessary to develop appropirate plans and programs in addressing poverty and health issues, which can run without the President's presence. This is linked to empowering the local government, wich is the institution representing the state to ensure the fulfilment and protection of citizen rights without exception and undue delay.

Further, as a state party to the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural Rights, Indonesia is obligated to ensure its citizens' rights to be free from hunger; to address the prevention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases; and to create conditions that would assure medical attention to all. Similarly, national laws such as Law No. 36 of 2009 gurantee the right to equal health access for all citizens. The case of measles and malnutrition, wich occured in Asmat regency, is a clear example that the government of indonesia has failed to eradicte extreme poverty; the government program on the massive infrastructure development has yet significantly contribute for the better life of indigenous Papuans, in particular who live in remote area such as Asmat regency.

Considering above-mentioned condition of extreme poverty in Asmat regenci Papua province, we respectfull request the Human RightsCouncil urge the Government to :

  1. Boost development of health access in Papua. The assistance from the central government should not merely be limited to eraadicating disease in Asmat regency, but should ensure that remote areas in Papua receive priority in development of health access, facilities and infrastructure.
  2. Ensure the government branches in particular the Minister of health and the Coordinator Minister of Welfare should take initiatives to monitor, evaluate and ensure the implementation of such policies. Local government should also open access for NGOs and media to monitor the recovery and development in remote areas
  3. Ensure that all children, including pregnant mothers in Papua, particulaly in Asmat regency, are given enough nutrition, food, and vaccines to prevent disease.
  4. Officially invite and cooperate with the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights